A Journey through the Skin


Darren is a Canadian student who visited Centre of the Cell and was inspired to create a video explaining the various cells and structures within this fascinating organ. You can watch this below.



NIH/NCBI (National Library of Medicine), USA :  Numerous articles and abstracts for extensive research on most of the topics, cross-checking and verification of basic facts from videos, and personal learning enrichment (ex: unusual and interesting fun facts).   Examples: 

Science Direct (resource of medical research articles)

Immune,  by Philip Dettmer  (also the  founder of Kurzgesagt, a science video channel)

Video series:

Further Learning

Connective Tissue | Everything you need to know!  by Dr. Matt and Dr. Mike

Connective Tissue   by Dr. Matt and Dr. Mike

Types of Tissue Part 1: Epithelial Tissue : by Professor Dave Explains