Why did you choose medicine/ dentistry?
Ever wondered why people choose to become doctors? We asked some of our students to find out.
Callum – ‘To make a difference to others in ways which I can see tangibly, and use my scientific brain while I’m at it!’
Rocio – ‘I wanted something hands on that incorporated all of my interests such as communicating with people around me. I couldn’t be a vet because I don’t think I’d ever be able to put down an animal- so doctor it is!’
Aneeta – ‘I joined medicine because growing up my grandmother had Parkinson’s disease, my grandfather had all the complications of diabetes and I had an aunt who had severe learning disabilities. Medicine was just in and around my whole family and to add to this my mum is a nurse. I saw how she would look after my family and I wanted to do the same. However, I wanted to go one step further and know why these things were happening to them and how it can be fixed. So… here I am, 4 years into the medicine programme and learning something new every day.’
Nura – “What drew me to medicine is not only the holistic approach that doctors take to manage patients’ conditions, but also the fact that they work as part of a multidisciplinary team to ensure that the patient is well supported.”
Lorenna – ‘While I was living in Brazil, I witnessed inequalities within the healthcare system and how understaffed they were. I chose medicine to help with this and work towards health being a basic human right for every person.’
Tahmid – ‘It’s a perfect combination of helping people and fulfilling my passion for science.’
Neha – ‘Because my parents are doctors and didn’t want me to do it so it was an act of rebellion.’
Carola – ‘Because I genuinely love to try and make a difference in people’s lives! No matter how terrible a day, or a week was, a patient’s smile or kind words mean the world, and really make all the hard work worth it.’
Claire – ‘I wanted to do medicine because I’ve always been interested in disease and how the human body works. I also wanted to work with people in a meaningful way and do something involving manual skills. Being a healthcare provider gives you the opportunity to do that and supply essential services that can affect people’s quality of life’

Some of our students next to our Neuron Pod