British Science Week 2025 – Change and Adapt

British Science Week 2025 will take place from 7th – 16th March. The theme this year is Change and Adapt, a perfect fit for our genes-themed shows! See below for our program offer for this exciting week.


The Genes and Evolution Show Onsite

The Genes and Evolution Show (1 hour) + STEM Pod experience (1.5 hours)

Suitable for Year 3 to Year 9, £350 per class



Ingenious Genes


Ingenious Genes (1 hour) + STEM Pod experience (1.5 hours)

Suitable for Year 10 to Year 13, £350 per class





Centre of the Cell can also visit your school during British Science Week to deliver up to three sessions of the above shows per day. For more information on outreach visits, please visit our We Vist Your School page.